Home Hill is located on the southern bank of the Burdekin River 1249 km north of Brisbane and 11 km south of Ayr. The
next crossing loop to the south called Inkerman is also featured in the Location Profile section of this site.
Home Hill can best be described as a small town with a railway line running right through the middle of it.
During the sugar season the Inkerman Mill at the northern end of the town is served by several trains a day to haul the
refined sugar to the port of Townsville and molassas to other parts of the state. The locos for these trains are turned on
an angle to the south of the station and loop.
After dropping off a single female backpacker from Japan for a stint of fruit picking in the area, the southbound
Sunlander departs Home Hill station. This photo was taken from the new high level platform attached to the old platform.
2200F shunting empties under the loader at Inkerman Mill in the late afternoon, the loader has two tracks and the twenty-six
wagon consist is broken in half for loading. 17.29 07/07/05
2837 + 2839 approaching Home Hill from the south. 09.15 06/07/05
2365 + 2208D depart the Home Hill loop at 18.05 heading north to Townsville. To the left of the picture is the Inkerman
Mill yard points. 27/11/04
PN009 rushes south through Home Hill with a full load of containers at 18.23 hot on the heels of the Sunlander that
featured in the first picture on this page. The lightpost in the middle right of the picture marks the top point of the angle
used to turn the locos for the sugar trains. 07/07/05
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