Tully is located 1545 kilometers north of Brisbane by rail and claims the title of the wettest town in Australia but
the people of Babinda beg to differ. The town is a thriving hub for the sugar and fruit growing industries as well as
The original station still serves as a passenger terminal as well as the base for a rafting company that runs excursions
on the Tully River. The freight yard has been relocated to the south of the station due to space restrictions and boasts a
container crane and shunt tractor.
The first three pictures below show 2850 crossing the Tully River after it had completed shunting the freight yard about
two kilometers north. 15.20 11/11/05

Tully Freight yard seen from the north. 06/04/05

PN013 crossing the Tully River as it continues its chase of the Sunlander down the east coast from Cairns to Townsville.
You can see the effect of the high rainfall and tropical heat on the bridge. 13.03 15/11/05

The underside of the piers leading to the bridge proper, when the PN frieght passed over you could see the beams on the
supports rocking back and forth as the bogeys passed over them.

2211D with the south bound Sunlander crossing the Tully River after a longer than expected stop in Tully.
11.51 15/11/05
Click here to see the video of this train.

The Diesel Tilt Train slowly crossing the Tully River after a breif stop at Tully. 11.16 Sunday 13/11/05