The crossing loop at Inkerman is the first crossing loop south of the township of Home Hill and is located at the
1236 kilometer post. It sits in the shadow of Mt Inkerman as well as the southern fringe of the Burdekin Irragation Area.
A southbound train headed by 2189F and 2152D wait in Inkerman Loop to cross with a loaded coal train, with 2195F
+ 2139 in front of a rake of GOMB and GOMC gondolas bound for the metal refinery at Yabulu to the north of Townsville.
As soon as the coal train cleared the loop the freight departed the loop and powered south. 10.35 27/11/04

2848 is about to leave the green cane fields of the Burdekin just south of Home Hill as it approaches Inkerman Loop and
continue down the dry coastal plain to Bowen. This photo was taken from the western side of Mt Inkerman. 09.45 12/04/05

After powering through Gumlu (1211km) at 11.31, 2808 and train continue north at Inkerman at 11.48. 06/07/05.

2812 with a short freight at Inkerman pushing south. 08.49 8/7/05

The Sunlander powers north just afer sunrise at 06.10 at the southern end of the loop. 12/04/05

PN008 powers north through Inkerman 10/11/05. 16.37

2822 heading south through the loop after picking up some more loading in Ayr. 09.07 11/11/05

After crossing with the southbound Sunlander a Pacific National freight pulls out of the loop to continue north as the
last rays of sunlight bath it in a soft glow. 15/11/05

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