The Boyne River bridge on the North Coast Line is 502 kilometers north of Brisbane and is a popular location
for camping and fishing and for some, to watch trains. The photos shown here were taken within a kilometer of the bridge
on its southern side. The line from Benaraby to Iveragh was upgraded in 1995 and much of the right of way was replaced with
a new alignment that allowed section running time to be dramaticaly reduced. This in turn eliminated the need for the crossing
loop between Benaraby and Iveragh called Rodd's Bay.
Looking south from the bank of the river the bridge makes an impressive sight as it waits for the next train to cross.
On a still night you can hear trains crossing from my house and when you are camping there you can bet every time a train
passes you will be awake by the time it is across.
This bridge is the second to cross the river as the original was washed away in the early 1900's.
Oct 2005
3928 heads south with a loaded stock train with horses and cattle and you can still smell it long after it has passed.13/08/99
2390 with eighteen empty molasess wagons run down the grade on the southern approach to the bridge.
13.06 15/09/05
Tilt Train heading south over the bridge 13/08/99 09.02
Woodchip train approaches the south side of the Boyne River Bridge, January 1999.
2214D + 1757 with the Sunlander running up the hill at the 502km post on its way south to Brisbane.
17/10/05 2005
2389 + 2842 power up the grade heading north at the 502 km post with a QR National freight. It isn't often you see a
GM loco infront of a GE unit on the NCL.
11.39 09/09/05
2815 heading south at the previous location looking north.
10.39 09/09/05
28 class loco leads a QR National train north towards the bridge. 13.11 09/09/05
2201 + 2482 at the same location as the train headed by 2389 in the photos above.
12.01 09/09/05
The brigde over the unnamed creek featuring in some of the photos as seen from the old alignment at the 501 km post.
The bridge here was a wood trestle and was taken down soon after the line was closed.
The photo below shows the old formation from on top of the concrete foundation looking south. You can see the power lines
from the transformer on the original alignment going over to the new one.
October 2005
PN005 heading north on the approach to the bridge. 14.34 15/09/05
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