Miriam Vale is located 450 klilometers north of Brisbane and 60 kilometers south of Gladstone on the North Coast
Line . It was once a large timber and cattle center but now tourism and the highway provide the lifeblood of the
The towns station still survives and all passenger trains including the tilt service stop here. The town was once a major
infrastructure depot for the railway but new line constructed to the south of town has done away with many of those jobs.

The southbound tilt train arrives at the station to pick up passengers on a bright Friday morning. October 2005

2190 + 1735 blast through Miriam Vale with the southbound Sunlander at 07.36. Sunday 04/08/05

Loco 2200F with a short train heading north through Miriam Vale. 12/01/06 14.36

2825 takes to the loop on its way south to be overtaken by PN007. 08.22 Sunday 04/08/05

Overtaken by the competition at 08.30.

Departing the loop at 08.38.

PN004 with a southbound rushing past at 10.25. Friday 15/09/05
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