Giru is a small town built around a large sugar miil 1293 kilometers north of Brisbane on the North Coast Line.
Located on the northern edge of the Burdekin District the town is surrounded by sugar cane and the mill is served by
an extensive narrow guage railway.
When the crush is on the mill like the others in the district rail their product to Townsville for export. Trains
usually run in fixed sets of one GM loco and twenty-four to twenty-eight purpose built wagons.

A southbound freight with mostly empty containers passes through Giru, near the middle of the train you can see two light
poles and a very fruit laden mango tree. This is where the new station platform is located and almost directly behind where
this shot was taken the old station building stands as an information center and caravan park office. To the right of the
picture the siding joins the mainline and then the balloon loop for the mill departs the line just before the Haughton River

2189F with 2152D push south with a short train approaching the platform on the northern side of the loop. This train
will perform some shunting and pick up some loadin at Ayr yard a bit further south before it continues its run. 09.05 27/11/05

The mill seen from the south with cane loco Haughton shunting the yard. To the right of the picture you can see the loading
bin for the sugar trains. The next three photos show a short cane train arrive in the yard the last two give an indication
of the amount of modern rail applications are used. 11/11/05 07.35

2192F just south of Giru as it heads north with a load of sugar for Townsville.
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