Deeral Loop is located 1636 km north of Brisbane and 44 km south of the city of Cairns in north Queensland. It can be
a busy place in the morning as overnight trains from the south meet with trains departing Cairns in the morning.
This page features two video links one of the scene below and the other of the Pacific National train shown a bit further

At just under a mile high Walsh's Pyramid dominates the scene as the southbound Sunlander approaches the Grimshaw Rd
level crossing at the 1645 km post. Click the picture to see the video. Tuesday 15/11/05 09.24

The Tilt Train arriving at Deeral Loop to cross with a northbound QRN freight at 09.11 Sunday 13/11/05.

With mango trees on either side and a palm over the top you can't mistake the this location as anywhare but the tropical

Not long after codes are exchanged the freight heads out of the loop to continue to Cairns.

The Tilt Train gliding through the curves north of Deeral Loop on its way south to Brisbane. Sunday 13/11/05 09.02

Pacific National PN013 pushing south as it crosses with train 6317 the empty sugar juice train from Babinda headed by
2487 with twelve tank wagons at 09.54. The empty train had already crossed with the southbound Sunlander at 09.30 and
the crew had smoko while waiting for the PN train. Click on the picture for the video. Tuesday 15/11/05

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